Batteries-included WebRTC implementation for the Elixir ecosystem.

Check out our demos
A simple app performing real-time image recognition.
  • Phoenix Framework
  • Elixir WebRTC
  • Elixir Nx
Check it out!
WHIP/WHEP Twitch-like real-time streaming service with a built-in streaming panel.
  • Phoenix Framework
  • Elixir WebRTC
Check it out!
A single-room Google Meet-like video conferencing app.
  • Phoenix Framework
  • Elixir WebRTC
Check it out!
Recognizer live coding

Learn in less than 6 minutes how to:

  • send audio and video from a web browser to a Phoenix based web app using Elixir WebRTC
  • unpack and decode it using Xav
  • feed it into Elixir Nx to perform image recognition

Everything in pure Elixir!

Want to know more? See our conference talks!